[Forwarding from the Dutch UKB (Universiteitsbibliotheken en de Koninklijke Bibliotheek) via the EBLIDA list.  –Peter.]

Springer and Dutch library consortium to cooperate in open access initiative

The Dutch consortium of research libraries, UKB, and Springer have signed a letter of intent to the effect that they will jointly explore the potential of open access publishing. This is the first time a prominent scientific publisher and a consortium of research libraries explicitly join forces on an open access initiative.

UKB strongly supports the open access model for scientific publishing as a means to stimulate the widespread use and re-use of scientific information, because payment of an « article processing charge » ensures universal free access to the published information. Springer has developed its Open Choice-programme to meet increased demand by scientists for open access publication, while at the same time demonstrating the considerable added value of formal publishers and journals. So far the market has been rather reluctant to embrace open access publishing. Some still doubt the economic viability of the business model. Others stress that quite a few open access journals have yet to develop sufficient scientific credibility.

The letter of intent signed by UKB en Springer is therefore designed to:
a) allow authors to gain experience with open access publishing in existing, established journals;
b) allow open access media to build a solid scientific reputation;
c) gain experience with the economic viability of the business model whereby the publisher is paid for publication (at the point of input: pay-to-publish) rather than for access to content (at the point of output: subscriptions or access licenses); the incorporation of open access in the scientific publication cycle and the consequences for all stakeholders.

In Springer Open Choice, all articles are peer-reviewed as usual; open access is introduced to further wider dissemination among the scientific community. It may also influence the journals’ impact factor.
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Comment faire facilement et efficacement la promotion de l’accès ouvert ? L’exemple de Saint Etienne. – Le Babouin
Pour voir le résultat : https://ent.univ-st-etienne.fr, onglet « Ressources documentaires », puis sélectionner « Périodiques numériques ». Dans tous les résultats après une interrogation par mots du titre, l’utilisateur peut rebondir en utilisant l’ISSN, comme c’est souvent fait vers le Sudoc, vers le site de Sherpa-Romeo. Une explication courte : « Vérifiez vos droits d’auteur vis à vis de l’auto-archivage grace au lien Sherpa » permet d’aiguiser la curiosité du chercheur.

This selective bibliography presents over 3,040 articles, books, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet.

Excerpts from a summary of the JISC Conference on Digital Repositories
(Manchester 6 June 2007)

De : harnad@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Objet : Rép : [SOAF] « Academics strike back at spurious rankings » (Nature,31 May)
Date : 5 juin 2007 16:57:14 HAEC
À : SPARC-OAForum@arl.org
Répondre à : SPARC-OAForum@arl.org
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Open Access Webliography
By Adrian K. Ho and Charles W. Bailey, Jr


Créez « vos archives » : telle est la proposition des Archives Nationales de Grande-Bretagne aux internautes à travers un wiki…..

HAL – CNRS éditions

Au sujet des conditions de publications données par CNRS-éditions

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